27 Apr

The need for air tank manifolds at different industries cannot be ignored whatsoever! There are many different types of manifolds you can now avail from the market. But the pneumatic one has really managed to draw attention. The air manifold we are talking about here is the highest quality one and designed to deliver on a long run. This is a durable and reliable product for the use. This product is designed to meet industrial needs in the best possible manner. These manifolds can be configured as per your needs while assigning different fittings for them.Air Tank Manifolds

  • Safe on the use

This is mostly done when the client needs to meet the safety needs in the best possible manner. The air manifold you are going to explore here can be used in a wide range of industries. Whether you need to supply compressed air for multiple outlets or for a single unit, this product is what you need now. While using such manifold, compressed air can be supplied for various tools at a single time and firmly. The tanks of these manifolds are stamped and coded with ASME. These are designed while keeping the OSHA guidelines in mind.

  • Comes in two different designs

Keep in mind that when you are buying a storage unit to store the compressed air, safety like aspect should be considered on a high node. And when you have such a high quality air manifold at your disposal, you shouldn’t remain concerned about it. This is the best compressed air storage unit you can have now online. It has the drain port that can be opened partially in order to avoid the development of moisture. This is a major problem that you may face with other similar products. Now you can avail the air tank manifolds in two different designs like tank style as well as wagon wheel style.

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